Thursday, December 2, 2010

NIght Photography

F20, 13 Sec, ISO 100

Night photography can be very beautiful.  It is very hard to capture lights at their best in the dark setting.  I've learned that photographers learn by doing.  You have to get out there and try then see what works and what doesn't.  The great many lights from this house allowed me to use a lower ISO.  Using a small aperture (F stop) makes the lights twinkle.  Again like I said, I had to try and try again with each shot.  Until I finally got it right.
The Holiday Season offers a wider variety of night photos to work with, right outside your own front door too.  And the longer evenings allows more time to practice.  Now if only I didn't mind the cold weather as much as I do.  :  /

F25, 13 Seconds, ISO 200

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