Saturday, October 16, 2010

Awesome Autumn

I wish the warm, sunshine weather can stay around all year.  But I will focus on the beauty spots in this new season.  It offers so many photo opportunities; the plentiful harvest, changing colors of the leaves, the foggy mornings, faded flowers and a lot more.  I sure hope I can capture a lot of its beauty this year. 
This image was taken at Erie Orchards.  Their apples were so bright red and the sky was very blue that day.  It made a perfect day for a photo shoot.

Friday, October 15, 2010

A Long Pathway

Another of my favorite black and white images.  I love the long, brick path way and the dark door in the back ground.  It is a very captivating view.  It makes me think of the many steps we take in life until we are able to reach the door. 
I am very excited about having my Etsy shop set up.  I hope you get the chance to view the items I have posted.  It has taken me many steps to get there.  I am trusting God will open doors for me.   This image is available for purchasing.

Just Believe

This bench among all the flowers and greenery looks so inviting.  That is what inspired me to take this photo.  I just love the way a black and white tone makes images "pop".  This photo looks very dramatic more so than in color.  This is part of my inspiration photos set one.  This is one of my favorite verses, we only need to believe, have faith in God, and He will make all things possible!  Not only that, but will make our faith in Him grow stronger.  All things are possible to him who believes.  I believe.  I hope this image invites you to believe too.


I got these flowers for "Administrative Assistance Day" one year and decided to try to capture them in an image.  I love the way they came out, the lighting is perfect.  This image with the scripture is part of my "set two"-a set of 12 assorted inspiration photos.  This verse confirms what I believe, that there is a beauty spot in everything-we just have to be open minded to look at things in the right way. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ghetto Art

 As I mentioned in another post, everything can be art if you only look at it the right way.  This stack of tires were thrown in an alley among the weeds.  It caught my attention so I thought I would make it into one of my creations.  What do you think?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I've always been leary about taking portrait shots.  It is very hard to capture the nice features of a person's face in a photo.  But all the wonderful costumes at the Civil War days added a marvelous touch to all my portrait photographs.   It was a  great learning experience for me and gave me the edge to try it out more often.  I love using the sepia and black and white color tones with portraits.  It gives them a classy look. 

Historic Fort Wayne

This week end Historic Fort Wayne will be opened to the public for tours.  I am glad they have it opened a few times a year, there is so much history there.  These photos I took at their Civil War Days this summer.  It was a wonderful photo opportunity, with all the costumes and historic memoriablia.  I also had a lot of fun editing these photos.  I turned these into sepia because I think they add a bit of vintage to the images.   
I hope you get the chance to make it to the Fort this week end.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oriental Garden

This is another image I took at Cranbrook, in the Oriental Garden.  It was such a beautiful location, a wonderful place for photo shoot.  It was so peaceful and relaxing there.  I wish I could have such a place near to me where I can go for peaceful, relaxing walks each day.  Available for purchasing on Etsy.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Here is another inspirational photo included in my "set one".  This image was taken at Cranbrook Gardens using my macro lens.  I was able to get a lot of photos there to use for my inspirational photos.  Even if flowers are fading we can keep a reminder of God's beauty close at hand with photographs.

Motor Muster

Cars are usually not my thing to photograph.  But I gave it a try this summer, knowing I have to be open minded to all subjects in order to grow in my skills.  The Motor Muster at Greenfield Village gave me a wonderful opportunity to do just that.   When I was viewing my images later that evening, I noticed that my skills did improve from the first one of that day to the last one.  I was truely amazed.  Just like the saying goes:  "practice make perfect".  I'd like to know what you think of these images.  Please do leave your comments.  I loved to read them.

Have a Wonderful Day

I no longer believe in such a thing as a "bad day".  I believe it is a wrong attitude that makes things look like everything is going wrong.  I do not like to hear people say they are having a bad day and they are in a bad mood.  We need to take control over our emotions and determine that everything is wonderful and we are in control over what kind of day we are having.  I spent so many of my days down in the dumps until I finally realized it is not the situations but my mind set.  So no matter what happens today or any day, I hope you, like David, say "I will rejoice and be glad"!!
This image was taken in Heritage Park in Taylor.  I was looking for something different to photograph in the garden and happened to look up and saw this lovely view.
This inspiration photo is part of "set one" - a set of 12 assorted photos available for purchasing.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Listen to the Music

Listen to the Music

Another black and white image.  I love the challenge of photographing simple objects and turning them into an awesome shot. It's not easy to do. This shot I got of headphones made me think "wow, great shot". I think it came out very well.   Available for purchase on Etsy.


One day as I was walking home I glanced in my backyard and saw this rainbow.  I hurried into the house to grab my camera before the rainbow faded.  I was very lucky to be able to get this shot.
I hope to use my photography to give inspiration and encouragment to others.  I added some encouraging words and verses to some of my images which I hand out to those in a need.  Along with the beautiful scenes, the words may give some uplifting or motivation.  I sometimes feel that this may be my calling.  There are so many "broken-hearted" people out there that need reassurance.  I like to post these images around my house and on my desk at work. 
This inspiration photo is part of "set two" - a set of 12 assorted  photos available for purchases


I tend to like my Black and White photos more than the colors ones.  I think it is because it causes you to look at the details of the object and not be side tracked by the colors.  I especially enjoy capturing flowers in black and white.


I love capturing the beauty of objects in photography.  I believe that everything has it's beauty spot, you just have to look at it in the right way to see it.  It's not always easy to do let alone to be able to capture it in a photo.  Looking beyond the obvious takes practice.  I guess  this phrase also applies to life- there is good in everything and every situation.  We just have to look at it the right way.